Children’s Reflections

Labyrinths in schools provide a safe space for controlled reflective walking.  Here are some comments from “kids on the path.”

“My dog died two weeks ago and I have been very upset. After I walked the labyrinth, I realized my dog would live in my heart forever.”

“When I walked the labyrinth I felt relaxed and comfortable. I felt small – kind of in not out. It was very peaceful and quiet.”

“I thought about my grandma’s death. I decided to think about the good parts of her llife, rather than her suffering. The labyrinth helped me find a way to forget about her suffering.”

“I figured out a way to talk to people to get their attention. It is better to talk than to grab someone’s neck when they are bugging you.”

“I thought about the lies I have told. I am really sorry about the lies I have told my friends.”

“I thought about my grandpa looking down on me from heaven. I thought about things we used to do and how fun he was. I want to feel happy about myself because I know he is watching me.”

“I feel bad about getting an F in math. I thought of a plan to work harder. It made me feel better.”

“I decided to go home tonight and say sorry to my sister.

“It makes you feel happy when you walk around it.”

“Sometimes, when you get to the middle, you can pray.”

“It helps you feel better when you are mad.”

“When you walk the labyrinth, you can sometimes feel that God is with you.”